Trustee of the PJI Foundation, Peter Isola, and Genevieve Bossino, a member of the team at the firm ISOLAS responsible for the organisation and delivery, with others, of initiatives to raise funds for the Foundation, recently paid a visit to the new Gibraltar Alzheimer’s and Dementia Day Care Centre to see for themselves the progress of works to complete the facility. Due to open by the summer, the Gibraltar Alzheimer’s and Dementia Society (‘GADS’) has been committed to raising funds for the project and has so far raised over £100,000 with the help of the local business and wider community. Its work is, however, far from over in this respect.
Whilst the centre will provide much needed patient care by professionals, the day care centre, which will be run largely by volunteers from GADS, will provide much needed support and respite for family members and carers alike.
Dementia has become a major health concern in Gibraltar and GADS has worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the dementia issue and to provide support to sufferers and their families. The new facilities will add to the quality of life of dementia patients and afford them the dignity they deserve. The facilities will also enable families to keep their loved ones at home for as long as possible.
The PJI Foundation is committed to supporting GADS and has, together with Sapphire Networks and Europort International Holdings, collected and donated £16,104 towards the hairdressing salon and three reminiscing rooms at the facility. The ‘Reminiscing Room’ is a therapy room designed specifically to create a calm and reflective environment, helping to engender the very therapeutic effects of the process of sharing memories, helping individuals achieve a sense of integrity and self-worth.
It is hoped that this will help to give sufferers and carers more of the support they need as they battle this terrible illness.
If you would like to donate to GADS, please contact – Tel: 58724000 or 56001422.