Minister Albert Isola yesterday addressed the guests at the Gibraltar Day Lunch in Zurich. Around 125 people attended the lunch, about 100 of them being Swiss-based professionals in the areas of asset management / funds as well as members of the insurance sector. Apart from hosting the lunch, Minister Isola attended a number of private meetings in Zurich as well as being interviewed by Bloomberg.
Financial services professionals from Gibraltar were also present at the lunch and they held their own meetings in Zurich. Accompanying the Minister to the lunch and meetings were James Tipping, Philip Canessa and Michael Ashton from Gibraltar Finance with Mrs Maite Mir-Parody and Mrs Eulalia Key being in charge of the logistics surrounding the event. Together with Philip Canessa, they will be attending and exhibiting at the Finanz’15 Funds Conference to be held today and Thursday of this week in Zurich.
Minister Isola departs for London today to attend the ICE gaming conference and a meeting with HM Treasury on financial services matters. James Tipping, Director, Gibraltar Finance, will be accompanying the Minister to London.