ISOLAS sponsors Swiss Financial Services Visit to Gibraltar


ISOLAS today hosted a group of Swiss Financial Services Professionals in an event organised by Voxia Communication. ISOLAS was, along with SG Hambros, a title sponsor of the event which saw the arrival on the Rock of some 50 Swiss Asset Managers who attended the event with a view to gaining a better understanding of the Gibraltar Financial Services offering.  The main event consistes of a variety of presentations coordinated by local professionals to deliver a taste of what Gibraltar has to offer as a financial services solution to the visiting delegates.

ISOLAS’ partner, Joey Garcia, who delivered one of the two keynote, title sponsor presentations, spoke about the issues and trends in the funds industry generally and then focused on the various alternatives open to Swiss Asset Managers looking for cross-border solutions that allow European access.  

When asked to comment on the day, Joey Garcia explained that ‘the fact that a Gibraltar-based licensee obtains a European passport every bit as valid as the one you can secure in London, Madrid, Paris or in any other member state, is the brightest feather in Gibraltar’s financial services cap.  Gibraltar and Switzerland have historically complemented each other’s offerings and that synergy is probably strongest today than it has ever been.  This event, I’m sure, will have been singularly effective in delivering this message to the Swiss Asset Managers who made the trip out here this week and we’re excited by the opportunity this represents for them and, of course, for Gibraltar plc.”

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