ISOLAS LLP Partner Emma Lejeune, Senior Associates Stuart Dalmedo and Danielle Victor, and Associates Michael Adamberry and Jake Collado were invited to contribute to the Gibraltar chapter of the Chambers and Partners Doing Business In… 2021 guide.
The guide covers 45 jurisdictions and provides the latest legal information on restrictions to foreign investments, corporate vehicles, employment law, tax law, competition law, intellectual property (IP), data protection and upcoming legal reforms.
The Gibraltar chapter provides an overview of Gibraltar’s legal system, which is largely based on English Law (common and equity law), pertinent to conducting business. The legislative provisions are described and how the United Kingdom acts effect Gibraltar law. Additionally, the court structure and judiciary are explained and how they differ from those of the UK. Court proceedings are described and how the civil and criminal processes operate in Gibraltar.
Other matters covered include legal entities (companies and trusts), how they are established, administered and staffed; competition law and the rules and regulations relating to mergers, cartels and abuse of corporate power; employment law, including contracts, remuneration and termination amongst other matters; tax law and Gibraltar’s several advantages and anti-evasion provisions (transfer pricing and thin capitalisation rules); intellectual property, procedures and protection covering, patents, trademarks, industrial design, copyright and ancillary matters; and data protection, its scope and security.
In addition, the chapter touches upon EU Law and Brexit, more specifically on how Gibraltar has retained certain EU legislation and the territory’s expected inclusion under Schengen legislation following Brexit.
Emma Lejeune, Partner at ISOLAS commented: “We are delighted to have once again contributed to a Chambers Global Practice Guide. We hope the information provided in the Gibraltar Chapter will prove useful to those looking to do business within the jurisdiction, and help elucidate some aspects of Gibraltar’s legal system. For any further clarification, we would be happy to assist:”
To view the Gibraltar chapter of the Chambers Doing Business In… 2021 guide, click here.