Presentation to the Chamber of Commerce


It was great to host the Chamber of Commerce at our offices yesterday where our employment litigation specialists Mark W. Isola KC and Nick Isola delved into and provided their insight to:-

1. The background to the Employment (Bullying at Work) Act 2014, how it compares to protections available in other jurisdictions and the defences available to employers in the event of a claim. There was a particular emphasis on the need for businesses to ensure that their Bullying Policies fully comply with the Act, particularly the on-going requirements which are often overlooked, so that they can avail themselves of the all-important section 6(5) statutory defence under the Act.

2. Why businesses should be concerned about any increase to the statutory redundancy ceiling from 52 weeks’ pay to 78 weeks’ pay when existing statutory entitlements in Gibraltar are already materially more favourable to employees in Gibraltar when compared to England and Wales.
3. The background to the introduction to the Employment (Trade Union Recognition) Regulations 2023 with a detailed analysis of the processes involved, and the employer’s duties, under those Regulations.

Mark and Nick have drafted an article on the Employment (Bullying at Work) Act 2014 which we will be releasing shortly. If you or your business would like to be kept informed of this and other areas of law that we specialise in, please subscribe to our weekly newsletter by clicking here . Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas!

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